Emma Critchley ©

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  1. Still from Earth Became Sea. 30 minutes, sound. 2017

    ‘Earth Became Sea’ takes as it’s starting point a lecture by Professor Alejandro Crispiani for Harvard University titled ‘The moment of destruction: an approach to the spatial understanding of the city in ruins’. Santiago is a city known for its resilience to earthquakes, which are frequently caused from plate movement 130 miles away. In 2010 geo-scientists discovered the San Ramon fault, which runs directly through the east of the city. If this were to move it would produce a very different story. Earth Became Sea explores the social and psychological implications of the destroyed city and the hidden nature of this newly discovered fault, which still remains somewhat concealed from Santiago’s citizens.


    Earth Became Sea was created for the Seismic Cities Project, 2017. Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, the Economic & Social Research Council and the Arts & Humanities Research Council as part of the Global Challenges Reseach Fund.

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